WE-ACT General Assembly: Advancing Water Management in Central Asia

The WE-ACT General Assembly, held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan from April 23rd to 24th, 2023. The event focused on advancing water management in Central Asia through keynote speeches, collaborative sessions, and innovative demonstrations. Notable moments include the introduction of serious games for interactive learning and a visit from BWO SyrDarya and SIC ICWC, emphasizing the importance of end-user engagement. Overall, the assembly exemplifies collective efforts towards sustainable water allocation in the region.

Empowering Women in the Water Sector: Insights from the WE-ACT Webinar

The WE-ACT webinar, held on February 9, 2024, in alignment with the International Day of Women in Science, illuminated the indispensable role of women in the water sector. Esteemed professionals from science, policy, and industry converged to discuss challenges and innovative solutions, emphasizing the need for gender inclusivity. From exploring the current status of women in water to addressing challenges faced by women in the field and charting a way forward for empowerment, the webinar fostered a dynamic dialogue, urging participants to contribute to a more inclusive and sustainable water sector through collective action.

Summary Handbook on Water Allocation in a Transboundary Context Featuring the WE-ACT Project

The Summary Handbook on Water Allocation in a Transboundary Context incorporates information from the Handbook on Water Allocation, and it includes the WE-ACT project as a significant component. The WE-ACT project is a notable inclusion, contributing to the broader context of transboundary water allocation practices outlined in the publication. The handbook serves as a practical resource for policymakers, offering key elements, frameworks, and case studies to guide decision-making in the complex landscape of transboundary water allocation.

UNIFR’s Summer Fieldwork: A Visual Journey Through Central Asia

Explore UNIFR’s impactful fieldwork in Central Asia during the summer of 2023, where researchers, students, and partners collaborated on a multi-faceted project. From overcoming challenges in automated weather station data transmission to hands-on experiences in the high-mountain landscapes of Kyrgyzstan, the story unveils the journey of installing cutting-edge technology for sustainable development and climate change adaptation in the Naryn River catchment.