Young Scientist School 2024 – Climate Impact Assessment on Water Resources in Uzbekistan: Implications to agriculture and hydropower sectors

TIIAME National Research University 39 Kari Niyaziy Street, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

The Young Scientist School (YSS) is a program that focuses on climate change and water resources in Uzbekistan. Esteemed lecturers from leading institutions, including Humboldt University of Berlin, TIIAME National Research University, National University of Uzbekistan, as well as renowned research centres such as the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ Potsdam) and the Centre […]


The European Water Technology Week 2024 is an event at the forefront of water technology innovation. It encompasses a three-day congress, including the annual Wetsus Congress, which blends science and business through plenary and parallel sessions. The event aims to engage experts, scientists, and entrepreneurs in sharing insights, strategies, and success stories to drive the […]